• laugh laugh laugh till you die!

    How women withdraw cash from ATM

    How men withdraw cash from ATM :-

    1- Park the car
    2-Go to ATM
    3-Insert card
    4-Enter PIN
    5-Take Money
    6-Drive away

    How women withdraw cash from ATM:-

    1-Park the car
    2-Check make up
    3-Turn off engine
    4-Check make up
    5-Go to ATM
    6-Hunt for ATM card in purse
    7-Insert card
    8-Hunt for small chit in the purse where then PIN number is written
    9-Hit cancel
    10-Insert card again
    11-Enter pin
    12-Take cash
    13-Go to car
    14-Check make up
    15-Start car
    16-Stop car
    17-Run back to ATM
    18-Take the ATM card
    19-Back to car
    20-Check make up
    21-Start car
    22-Drive for a mile
    23-OOPS ! Release handbrake !!
    #:-s #:-s =D

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